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Alexander Technique gives you a tool to create your own optimal health from moment to moment, day by day.



Dr Jack Stern, MD PhD

Spinal Neurosurgeon

“97% of people with back pain could benefit by learning the Alexander Technique – it is only a very small minority of back pain sufferers that require medical intervention such as surgery”.

Below are just a few of the conditions which can benefit:




When F.M. Alexander first began teaching the principles underlying AT, he was referred to as "The Breathing Man": his first published text on the technique was "An Introduction to A New Method of Respiratory Vocal Re-Education".


Muscular tensions, mental concentration, learned methods of breathing: all tend to interfere with natural breathing. Lessons in AT teach you to allow a free, full, expansive breath - just one of the reasons why so many singers, actors & musicians love AT!


Anecdotally (and in a few small trials), AT is reported to improve conditions such as asthma - further research on applying AT to respiratory conditions is overdue!


Before I learned AT, I used to use inhalers for asthma on a daily basis, but after having lessons my asthma resolved itself and I use an inhaler exceptionally rarely now - this seems to be a common observation by AT pupils.

Zebra Print Scarf



The Ehlers-Danlos Society recommends AT to help hypermobile individuals learn to manage the condition.


I myself have been using AT to manage my own Ehlers-Danlos hypermobility for over 20 years.


I have found more stability, recovered from injuries, managed pain & coped with the effects of pregnancy, labour & baby care on my hypermobile body.

Chest Cavity

Chronic Pain


Clinical trials have shown AT to be significantly more effective in treating chronic back & neck pain than GP-only care.


Chronic pain is one of the main reasons why people begin AT lessons.


Learn how to release unnecessary muscular tension and find a better skeletal alignment.

Parkinson's Disease


The National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) recommend that people with Parkinson's Disease consider AT to help with balance and motor problems.


Several studies have shown sustained benefits for people with Parkinson's in learning to practise AT.

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