Alexander Technique & Sport
Whether you play golf, hockey, or rugby; cycle, run or swim; practise yoga or tai chi, diving or gymnastics: whatever your sport, AT can aid your performance.
With the "body-mindfulness" unique to AT, you can easily learn to reduce unnecessary muscular tension which interferes with your agility & mobility in order to decrease the level of effort & fatigue involved in exercising.
AT can improve balance, stability, strength & stamina, & also help in pain management & recovery from injury:
this article by Dr Miriam Wohl explains why AT is
recommended in sports medicine.

AT is as much about the mind as it is the body. Learning AT can help with performance anxiety, concentration & thinking quickly on your feet.
For athletes coming to the end of their careers, AT can provide a healthy way to train down & channel your high performance mindset in new ways off the pitch.
You can learn to embrace the changes in your life & approach your new activities with the same mental discipline, enjoyment & attention to quality as you have done in your sporting career.